Universal Research Inc. Limited in UK

>> Friday, November 4, 2011

The corporate registration of Universal Research Inc. Limited of UK under Company No. 06455332 with the UK Companies House was proposed to be struck off pursuant to Sec. 1000 of the Companies Act 2006

“Companies Act 2006 Section 1000: Power to strike off company not carrying on business or in operation

  1. If the registrar has reasonable cause to believe that a company is not carrying on business or in operation, the registrar may send to the company by post a letter inquiring whether the company is carrying on business or in operation.”
It has been a dormant company and not carrying on business/not in operation.
The proposal to strike off was suspended either: 1) creditors oppose (they need payment of what was owed) and/or  2)HMRC is after being paid taxes. 

While on suspension, penalties are continuously imposed –Accounts are OVERDUE. Under the law Yuriy, the director is liable. If we are not mistaken, you are the only director.


Eugene M

>> Thursday, November 3, 2011

What brings you to this blog? That IP has been used several times allegedly by scammers on RS.


Misrepresentation, Fraud and Falsification

>> Sunday, October 30, 2011

Serious offenses stated in the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Decision.

We are not quite done yet.


"Watch Listing of Yuriy Mizyuk and others and the Revocation of the Registration of Uniwork, Inc. (in the Philippines) for Fraud and Falsification . . . " Read the Decision of the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission

>> Friday, September 23, 2011


Source: Official Website of the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission.

So it goes without saying that Mizyuk's Investor's visa is also revoked and he is barred from doing business in the
Philippines ? 

So he is no longer allowed entry in the Philippines? What has the Immigration Department have to say in an alleged deportation proceedings?

History repeats itself . . . the United States before and now in the Philippines. Mizyuk never learned his lesson.


A new company?

>> Thursday, May 5, 2011

Total Net Research has emerged and located in the same address--17th floor Unit C Burgundy Corporate Tower 252 Gil Puyat Makati, Philippines.

names change . . . entities change but is it not the same? even trackur tracking


Tracking Your Online Reputation?

>> Saturday, April 30, 2011

So VOKS of Kiev, Kyyivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine IP is "trackur" tracking Yuriy's business online reputation . . .I know your IP.

Are you still doing business in the essay writing and research or have substituted/replaced your name with someone else? We know the truth! 


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