
>> Saturday, February 18, 2012

A reader of this blog from the Philippines recently checked out and downloaded images on Total Net Research. While a reader from Kiev, was checking for photo of Yuriy and Olga Mizyuk which may have been posted here. 

We know who you are.

Yuriy Mizyuk and company

>> Saturday, February 4, 2012

You kicked the wrong beehive!

Swindling defined. . .

>> Friday, February 3, 2012

Response to a reader's inquiry:

Taking the property belonging to another through false pretenses; to practice fraud as a means of obtaining money or property.

Writers have been swindled of the fees they already have earned 

A) through deductions based on fictitious complaints of clients, falsified and fabricated plagiarism reports, bloated amount/rate for transfer fees of writers' fees to their respective banks
B) withholding of fees by blocking these writers from accessing their accounts at the website.

He was already allegedly deported by the U.S. government by reason of his illegal acts--he also did it in the Philippines.

His cohorts can easily be impleaded, i.e. American partner, Ukrainian staff members, Filipino officers, etc. Any judgment can be endorsed to INTERPOL and the FBI for execution and implementation.


>> Monday, January 23, 2012

A criminal complaint has been filed for swindling in the Philippines.

Perhaps your cohorts can join you now.

Is this not similar to the U.S. conviction as one of the grounds for the alleged deportation?

Where to?

>> Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where can this lead? 

 See you in jail!

I will even have your cohorts join you.

MORE to Come

How about criminal prosecution and the INTERPOL? 

  we are not done yet.

Coming right up!

Universal Research Inc. Limited in UK

>> Friday, November 4, 2011

The corporate registration of Universal Research Inc. Limited of UK under Company No. 06455332 with the UK Companies House was proposed to be struck off pursuant to Sec. 1000 of the Companies Act 2006

“Companies Act 2006 Section 1000: Power to strike off company not carrying on business or in operation

  1. If the registrar has reasonable cause to believe that a company is not carrying on business or in operation, the registrar may send to the company by post a letter inquiring whether the company is carrying on business or in operation.”
It has been a dormant company and not carrying on business/not in operation.
The proposal to strike off was suspended either: 1) creditors oppose (they need payment of what was owed) and/or  2)HMRC is after being paid taxes. 

While on suspension, penalties are continuously imposed –Accounts are OVERDUE. Under the law Yuriy, the director is liable. If we are not mistaken, you are the only director.

Eugene M

>> Thursday, November 3, 2011

What brings you to this blog? That IP has been used several times allegedly by scammers on RS.

Misrepresentation, Fraud and Falsification

>> Sunday, October 30, 2011

Serious offenses stated in the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Decision.

We are not quite done yet.

"Watch Listing of Yuriy Mizyuk and others and the Revocation of the Registration of Uniwork, Inc. (in the Philippines) for Fraud and Falsification . . . " Read the Decision of the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission

>> Friday, September 23, 2011


Source: Official Website of the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission.

So it goes without saying that Mizyuk's Investor's visa is also revoked and he is barred from doing business in the
Philippines ? 

So he is no longer allowed entry in the Philippines? What has the Immigration Department have to say in an alleged deportation proceedings?

History repeats itself . . . the United States before and now in the Philippines. Mizyuk never learned his lesson.

A new company?

>> Thursday, May 5, 2011

Total Net Research has emerged and located in the same address--17th floor Unit C Burgundy Corporate Tower 252 Gil Puyat Makati, Philippines.

names change . . . entities change but is it not the same? even trackur tracking

Tracking Your Online Reputation?

>> Saturday, April 30, 2011

So VOKS of Kiev, Kyyivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine IP is "trackur" tracking Yuriy's business online reputation . . .I know your IP.

Are you still doing business in the essay writing and research or have substituted/replaced your name with someone else? We know the truth! 

Oleg Vorobev and MightyStudents[.]com: MightyStudents is Where the research papers, term papers, thesis, etc. You Ordered and Paid For ARE RESOLD!

>> Sunday, September 19, 2010

The domain of MightyStudents[dot]com is now reassigned and registered under the name of Oleg Vorobev on 01 April 2010. See Image below:

Oleg Vorobev's address as stated is 320 Rocky Run Parkway 24, Wilmington, Delaware 19803. This address is the Courtyard Wilmington Brandywine--a hotel. See image below:

It may be recalled that Vorobev is the director of Universal Research Inc. as registered in the Virginia State of Corporation Commission. See image below:

Based on court records in Virginia, a judgment was rendered against him on 29 June 2010 for more than $2,000 plus 6% interest from June 2010. He failed to show up; a warrant in debt was issued.

Don't we see a pattern here: the Yuriy Mizyuk pattern. Register a corporation or LLC, take random addresses for domain registration of the essay websites and its office addresses, borrow money, refuse to pay writers because of altered plagiarism reports, fictitious and fabricated complaints of customers, accountant's or banks,' paypal's failure and pay no taxes, etc. 
 hide, hide once complaints and cases are filed. Securing money of others through deceit and misrepresentation . . . 

I wonder what happened to an alleged American partner, Kevin. 
Well, documents and complaints have been forwarded to the US DOJ, IRS, Federal Trade Commission and other departments.

Visitors--VOKS, Eastern and a whole lot more

>> Friday, September 17, 2010

ISPs are easily identifiable, Yuriy. Globe Innove=Speakeasy

Yuriy Mizyuk Fraudulently Used URIINC or Universal Research Inc. of Delaware in the Registration of Domains

>> Tuesday, September 14, 2010

As was discussed previously in the blog, URIINC. is Uranium Resources, Inc. which has nothing to do with Mizyuk and his notorious essay websites. What is specified only is URIINC. The address provided at 910 Foulk Road, "Suite 203" Wilmington, Delaware 19803 is FALSE. There is no Suite 203! There are only two suites thereat: 200 and 201. Suite 200 is occupied by a law office and Suite 201 is occupied by Corporations and Companies Inc. and this was confirmed by a Director of said entity.

NOW, after further investigation--domain registration of his other websites reveal that URIINC is also Universal Research Inc. in Delaware. For instance, the domain registration of notorious website superiorpapers[.]net Yuriy Mizyuk specified that URIINC is Universal Research Inc. See image below:

Based on Division of Corporations of the State of Delaware: Search entity--Universal Research Inc. See below:

But this Universal Research Incorporated is located in 1209 North Orange St. Wilmington, Delaware 19801 and not as he claimed at 910 Foulk Road. This was incorporated on April 20, 1987 in Florida and is currently NOT ACTIVE.
From the Division of Corporations Delaware:

And its officer was Patrellis, A. J. Based on the database of the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations, Universal Research Incorporated was revoked in 1997.

So Yuriy, stop fraudulently using revoked corporation's name in the domain registry to avoid detection. No matter how you hide from your creditors, the courts will always render judgment against you even if you are not physically present in the US and can never go back there.
Why can you not be content with your own Universal Research Inc/LLC which you have created. Does it follow you now like a bad curse?

Is this a business you can trust and put your money in? Is this the man you will trust after cheating his writers of their earned fees? Based on records, US convicted and deported this man but he continues to deceive and misrepresent to obtain money from unsuspecting people.
So what will it be next time, Yuriy?

False Pretense . . .Calculated to Mislead = Yuriy Mizyuk+ EssayWriters[dot]Net

>> Thursday, September 2, 2010

Yuriy Mizyuk initially has his websites', i.e. essaywriters[dot]net; superiorpapers[dot]com; bestessays; wisetranslations, essayontime; rushessays[dot]net;; etc. domain registration placed under his name. He later reassigned it to Universal Research LLC and after Universal Research LLC's registration was canceled by the Virginia State of Corporation Commission in December 2007, websites' domain registration was reassigned to Uniwork, Inc. (his company in the Philippines). See "The Exodus."

After Mizyuk's varied acts and business practices of misrepresentation and alleged fraudulent schemes of cheating the websites' writers of their hard earned fees were EXPOSED by the subsequent filing complaints of aggrieved parties in the different departments in countries like the U.S., i.e. FBI, IC3, Federal Trade Commission, U.S. DOJ, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), State of Virginia Attorney General's Office and the CyberCrime Division, the Philippines for removal proceedings; he reassigned (again) the domain registration of the websites to Universal Research Inc. (a company registered under Oleg Vorobev per Virginia State of Corporation Commission database.

On 16 October 2009 the domain registration of his websites were reassigned to URIINC. Per Net Who Is domain registration URIINC's address is at 910 Foulk Road, Suite 203, Wilmington, Delaware 19803.

For instance for EssayWriters dot Net, see webscreen shot below:

URIINC based on Delaware Department of State Division of Corporations is located at Corporation Trust Center 1209 Orange Street, New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. Its registered agent is Corporation Trust Company. See below:

Based on google search "URIINC Wilmington Delaware" shows that it is Uranium Resources Inc. located at the address in Orange street (registered agent) and a Texas main Office.

And in another website for domain information, it is clearly specified that EssayWriters dot net website organization is URIINC with link that prompts you to manta business listing of Uranium Resources Inc. See below:

Obviously, URIINC is something that Yuriy just picked out of the blue to use as the company associated with his websites, i.e. essaywriters dot net.

So what entity is on 910 Foulk Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19803? Answer: Corporations and Companies Inc.

But according to the officer of Corporations and Companies Inc. they occupy Suite 201 and not 203. Only Suites 200 and 201 are found in the building. "Suite 203" is
See below email:

Again the address 910 Foulk Road, "Suite 203" Wilmington, Delaware 19803 is something Yuriy picked out of the blue. A product of his deceptive trickery.

Now why go to this extent of convoluted web of lies, misrepresentation, and false pretense?

There is a need to make it appear that business is located in the US because clients are mostly from US but he cannot legally put his name in any corporation or entity formed or incorporated in the US because:

a) of pending lawsuits;
b) he is not physically present in the US and cannot legally re-enter;
c) he is barred from engaging in any business in the US in 2003 considering the alleged removal proceedings/deportation he underwent due to criminal record as per verifications made, one of which is by a poster.

It is easier to make a whopping profit by cheating writers of their fees. Even when they complain about being cheated, he simply destroys evidence by manipulating the websites to make it appear that a) there were complaints by clients which are actually fabricated complaints; b) he alters plagiarism reports; c) alters Earnings Report page; d) deactivates the account of the writer , etc. etc.

With false pretenses and misrepresentation regarding principal place of business, he can easily hide from those he deceived (complainants) and abscond from his creditors, thus evading liability. The spider in his web of lies despise the light of truth.

Derives extreme pleasure in cheating everyone--that way, he feels above the rest of us and above the law.

Albeit compassion may be available to those who have wronged the society; justice and punishment awaits those who are recidivists.

Birthday next day, what is so happy about it?

>> Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nothing but LIE and false pretense (deception) in Flesh-and-Bone.
soon justice will be served. . .


>> Monday, August 16, 2010

Is this your new IP, Yuriy? It actually has been spotted promoting essayontime which is under URI Inc. URI = Yuriy

not so fast . . . not done with you yet. the big surprise is yet to come!

By the way, your proxy-aol is a constant visitor but not a reader!

“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”

>> Monday, August 9, 2010

not so fast . . . with you Yuriy comes all others who are implicated.

What is in the name?

>> Monday, August 2, 2010

A poster informed: "Oh, and the office is as bad as they say. but that was before, they have changed locations and has changed their company name to Total Net Research and Marketing, Inc. so beware!!"
Quite a good read, I must say.

and a few ads showing the same address at Burgundy:

and from a staff:

but why is it still not registered in the Philippine Securities Exchange Commission?

Well, maybe a delay in updating the Philippine SEC website.
Yuriy, oh me, oh my !!

Alleged Deportation

>> Friday, May 21, 2010

"Obtaining property belonging to a third person under false pretense" is this not swindling?

and so it continues . . .

>> Saturday, May 8, 2010

His staffs changed and made private their social networking accounts but photos had been previously sent to the INTERPOL and FBI. Nikita, Marina, Kev, Alyonna, Margayta, Lance, now, Marian, how are all of you doing?

I am glad to inform that officials from universities as well as governments from US and UK have frequented this blog. The constant visitors from Ukraine, Nigeria, and Virginia are just amazing. We also noticed that profiles and articles have been posted under his name thereby seemingly diluting the search words: his name and the alleged scams that go with it. A real exhaustive researcher-writer would not miss the numerous real and actual write ups on non payment of writers and the alleged fraud perpetuated by the group.

We all have observed how the websites have deleted the office addresses and how the domains were reassigned to an alleged company in Delaware. URIINC in Wilmington, Delaware has nothing to do with research writing.

So the spider retreated . . . but we are not done yet.

More complaints . . .

>> Friday, April 16, 2010

Recently, "One of the victimized service provider, Word Impact Info Service, already filed complaints with the Philippines Department Of Trade And Industry (DTI) to investigate this online writing scam."
And another complaint with web screen shots

The UK registered Universal Research Inc. Limited that used to be stated in the websites: Killer-content and bestessays (formerly www.bestessays dot com dot uk; now, dot com) has changed its registered address to: 11 LANCING HOUSE HALLAM CLOSE WATFORD HERTS UNITED KINGDOM WD24 4RL; declared its statement of capital as 100GBP (1 British pound = 1.53900 U.S. dollars) or USD 153.90; change of particulars of director, with Mizyuk stating his nationality: Ukrainian and the Country he is usually a resident of: Cyprus. These were all filed in March 2010. All this information was merely reiterated as it was contained in the corporate papers when it was initially filed. Universal Research Inc. Limited remains to be a dormant company per the official website of the UK Companies House.
Upon verification, the registered address houses three more companies.

The URIInc in Delaware has nothing to do with essay writing. Why were all the domains reassigned to URIInc. in the domain registry in October 2009 BUT the address, 910 Foulk Road, Suite 203 Wilmington Delaware is not even the office address of URIINc.

The name "Universal Research Inc." seems to be also notorious for lottery fraud.

This blog welcomes visitors from Afrinic and Nigeria (and Ukraine). The IPs have all been sent to the FBI.

have set up a new company to cover identity?

Universal Research Inc.

>> Friday, November 13, 2009

Universal Research Inc. is delinquent in its payment. Perhaps soon it will suffer the same fate as Universal Research LLC when its registration was automatically canceled by the Virginia State of Corporation Commission.

Universal Research Inc. Ltd. registered with the Companies House UK is now a dormant company.

To the retired attorney who wrote to me: Thank you. You may desire to furnish Va Governor Tim Kaine and incoming Governor Bob McDonnell with what you have. Bob was a former Attorney General for Va.

You may also forward the information to the FBI's IC3 and the INTERPOL Washington.

Just recently . . .

>> Monday, October 26, 2009

The NetWhoIs registrations of the subject websites are again reassigned on 16 October 2009 to URIINC. of Delaware.

Upon verification from the Department of State of Delaware: Division of Corporations, URI Inc. is registered since 18 November 1987 as shown below:

We cannot locate the address 910 Foulk Road, Suite 203 Wilmington, Delaware as specified in the NetWhoIs registration. The suites found at Foulk Road are for dentists and pediatricians.

To the consumer advocates, time to call URI Inc. to find out the truth.

Do you really think that you can escape the possibility of liability by transferring and reassigning by the simple expediency of deleting your name on registrations as well as the bogus addresses on the websites.

We have heard that you have a pending case for your ouster.

The corporation registered in the UK, Universal Research Inc. Ltd. is now dormant per Companies House records.

Thank you

>> Thursday, October 15, 2009

To those who have written to me, thank you so much. Please check out the list of authorities (and links) which I mentioned in one of the posts.

There are pending investigations and cases against the culprits.

For the U.S. --File your complaints and submit your evidence to the U.S. DOJ, the IRS, the Office of Attorney General in Virginia, the FBI specifically the IC3, the Washington INTERPOL or its head office in France.
(I have forwarded numerous complaints to them with attached evidence).

For the Philippines--Contact the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission, the Philippine Senate (to move them into investigating in aid of legislation), the National Bureau of Investigation (FBI's counterpart) specifically the Anti Fraud Division, the Bureau of Immigrations (for deportation and cancellation of visa), and the Department of Justice.

For Ukraine--the Prosecutor's Office and the INTERPOL.

Thanks to the students and officials of the different universities and colleges who have read the posts and articles as well as those who have written to me. I shall forward all your comments and requests, evidence and complaints to the proper authorities.

Justice will be served soon.

More to Come

>> Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Letters have been sent to the US, UK and Philippine authorities as well as the legislators for a top-to-bottom investigation of possible violations.

We will not cease, Yuriy. Complaints will be sent to Ukraine authorities soon. Not to worry, the complaints have been translated in your mother tongue.

Thank you very much CNN!

>> Friday, September 4, 2009

The CNN feature story in video showed the residential home of Victor Guevarra at 1361 Icy Brook Dr. Herndon, VA, 20170--the very same address posted at the website before it was deleted this early June because of the series of the ongoing investigations. CNN interviewed the owner of the residence himself. This is a confirmation of the articles contained in this blog, online articles of others and the results of the consumer advocates' own investigations.

The CNN blog f
urther mentioned and provided a link to this blog, "one blog has become a place for writers to read about and exchange information on companies that sell research papers."

Another confirmation that writers from the different countries have been writing to me with their evidence.

Many many thanks CNN.

This is only the start . . .so please READ on.

CNN Feature Report

Awaiting the moment . . .featuring . . . showing soon. of Ukraine reader, anything interesting to you in the blog? Is this the new ISP replacing the other as featured in this blog?

Personal anecdotes

>> Sunday, August 2, 2009

The poster at the message forum insists on personal anecdotes. Of course, CNN would like to know the personal experiences of writers and customers of This establishes the business practices of and its treatment of its writers and customers. Many of those have written to me and have given their details. It was just a matter of hooking them up with CNN. On the other hand, the different government departments both in US, Philippines and UK would establish the complaints they have received, how the business is set up based on registration, taxes, business licenses, etc. which is the legitimacy or the illegitimacy of its operations.

I have a strong feeling that abhor the press' particular interest in them. The issues that have been raised are impressed with deep public interest.

I wonder however, what had happened to another poster's post:
" as well as other multiple other similar sites are SCAMS and as someone else stated, run by Ukrainians (Yuri Mizyuk and Olga Mizyuk, mother and son). He was deported to Ukraine a few years ago for credit card fraud; Olga may still be in the US. It is a very elaborate scam, "

And I wonder why a Ukrainian poster at another message forum had this to say:

So what was the experience of 2004 that may not have taught them a lesson ? Was it in 2004? I will pitch in a wild guess--in 2003.

And if allegedly it was fraud before 2003 that caused the alleged deportation; I do not think that it is surprising to read about the numerous writers during a span of years from 2006 to have complained about their writers' account being blocked when they have fees to receive; or the alleged fabricated complaints of customers and other lame excuses not to pay the fees already earned.

Links vs. Resource Persons

>> Saturday, August 1, 2009

For the poster at a message forum:

I have spoken to CNN referred to and have forwarded the necessary documentation. Moreover, they also have visited the blog numerous times.

I suggested further that they contact the Commonwealth of Virginia Governor, the Va Attorney General's Office, the FBI, the FTC, US DOJ, the Va State of Corporation Commission, INTERPOL, the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Bureau of Investigations and the Philippine Bureau of Immigrations.

I can still push this farther, Yuriy.'s Transfer of Ownership?

>> Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A legitimate American writer of Essaywriters wrote to me and with the writer's permission . . .
This is a part of the email emanating from on 17 July 2009,

"Thank you for your inquiry regarding the ownership of our company. As you are a valued Sub-Contractor and not an Employee; you understand that the nature of our partnership is defined as: you are paid for individual orders you complete and we ask nothing else of you but quality writing. As part of this agreement your only responsibility is to accept those orders or deny orders, complete them by the deadline and be compensated provided that your work meets our quality standards.

The ownership of the company is not held by a single individual but a group of investors who has not yet chosen a managing director and due to our privacy policies we do not disclose any information regarding the names of those individuals, our writers or our customers. The change of ownership does not affect any of your duties as a Sub-Contractor or your daily activities as a writer. The same privacy policy is used to ensure that your personal information it is protected and secure at all times. As soon as the new managing director is approved we will make that information available and rest assured knowing that we are in full compliance with all relevant regulations that apply to Sub-Contractor agreements. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and look forward to a productive year together.

Thank you for your cooperation

XXX (name)
Legal Department"

IMPORTANT Facts to Note:

From what I have studied, this is what US laws say about privacy:

"Businesses have no right of privacy. California Bankers Ass'n v. Schultz, 416 U.S. 21, 65 (1974); U.S. v. Morton Salt Co., 338 U.S. 632, 652 (1950); Restatement (Second) Torts, §652I, comment c (1977); Prosser, Privacy, 48 Calif. L.Rev. 383, 408-09 (1960); Am.Jur.2d Constitutional Law § 606 (1979). Privacy law is phrased only as an individual person's rights."

A poster at posted a message stating that the transfer of ownership was effected from Mizyuk on 01 May 2009. This claim of will be belied later on.

Besides, Universal Research Inc. still has Oleg Vorobev as its sole director. So what group of investors? The Code of Virginia or for that matter US corporation laws require disclosure of directors to be stated in the Articles of Incorporation.

Writers from all over have joined together. Thank you for your support.

To the other writers, make your decision: if you have not been paid your fees and they make an offer--Refuse. Think of the many who were not paid--and those in the future who will be exploited.This practice has to end. No 'damage control' anymore.

The fees offered is the very pain and anguish of sleepless nights of research, writing and anticipation of another writer/s like you. It is your choice.

US Press Reports: CNN anyone?

Everyone including those who were allegedly defrauded, are hopeful that the press, i.e. broadcast or print media can cover the entire story with fairness and clarity--regardless of the nationality of the clients and the writers.

The issues obtaining in this case do not affect Americans alone. To think this way would be myopic and unfair for those who have engaged in time-consuming and resource-draining investigation which was done for the benefit and the vindication of ALL and EVERYONE--writers, customers, the governments of the different countries, and the advocates

The Truth repels the alleged threats, harassment or bribes.

The Worst Nightmare Will Not Go Away

>> Monday, July 20, 2009

It is just Truth chasing after you . . .

There had been 'face lifts' of the more notorious w
ebsites by modification of Contact Us Pages. Killer Content website used to have the 'Contacts' page as:

Killer content has changed its Contacts Page recently. The reference to Universal Research Inc. Ltd (UK limited liability company registered under the name of Yuriy Mizyuk) and address at 19 Cardinal Avenue Borehamwood Hertfordshire, UK WD6 1EN were deleted and now it specifies Universal Research Inc. with address at 4114 Hamlin Ave., Chantilly Va 29151 USA.

This Chantilly address is registered under the name of Valeri Ermakov in the Fairfax County Real Estate Tax Administration
database But Universal Research Inc. is registered under the name of a sole director--Oleg Vorobev.

2-Pay_secure website used to specify a Contact Us Page where it indicated the address, 19 Cardinal Avenue Borehamwood Hertfordshire, UK WD6 1EN.

Now, the website has been modified and its Contact Us Page deleted.

And with its Icy Brook Herndon address:

The website was recently modified. The Icy Brook Herndon, Virginia address was deleted and only the email address is indicated now. website's Contacts page was also modified, deleting the physical address stated.

The company referred to in the website, TopMerchants was 2 Pay Secure LLC. The very same limited liability company which registered its domain and when it's registration was cancelled by the State of Nevada, it was transferred to Universal Research Inc. = Universal Research LLC = 2 Pay Secure LLC = Universal Research Inc. = Universal Research Inc. Ltd. = Uniwork, Inc. = Yuriy Mizyuk

So what do you seek to achieve by all these 'face lifts' ? Do you honestly believe that by modifying, deleting and removing all traces, indication and significant evidence of alleged violations; you are obliterating the possible liabilities? Is that the reason why Internet Archives had been blocked by robot.txt file?

I still have five more cards to play and I know how to play it right and truthfully.

Admit the entire Truth and perhaps there may be less collateral damage.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear" (Ambrose Redmoon).

'Coward: One who, in a perilous emergency, thinks with his legs" (Bierce).

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